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tv   FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace  FOX News  August 5, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT

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chowchilla's dairy land school piled on to a school bus to head home following an afternoon of swimming. the group included 10-year-old jody huffington, 6-year-old larry park and his 8-year-old sister andrea. 9-year-old jennifer brown and her 10-year-old brother jeff. >> what did you do on the bus? what was it like? >> it was care free, we talked we sang. the warm air blowing. we were good. we got to listen to the radio. >> behind the wheel was a local farmer and part-time bus driver 55-year-old ed ray. >> he was the most wonderful bus driver you could have. >> they were also on board the school bus that hoot dry july afternoon when temperatures can reach 110 degrees. >> i was 12 and a half, linda, julie and stella our youngest was in kindergarten almost 6 at the time. >> this is the actual school bus
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the children were riding in that summer day more than 35 years ago. jody showed her son matthew where she sat on that fateful day. >> i was sitting about right here, matthew. >> under a scorching sun the school bus rolls past the almond orchard and wheat field. it was periodically stop in front of a child's home. parent set their watches by the schedule. >> the last kid got off the bus and all of the kids were seeing -- >> we were singing my mama told me you better shop around. that was the song we were singing when it happened. >> it was a little after 4:00 p.m. when ray turned the bus on to avenue 21 where a white van with his door ajar was parked near the center of the road. >> it looked like somebody had broken down. so edward went to swing the bus around the van and at that .1 of
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the kidnapers jumped out of the passenger side with a rifle came up to the driver's side and told edward to open the door. and then the other kidnaper got on to the bus and took over. >> i do remember seeing one of the kidnapers with panty hose over his face and holding a gun. >> i was scared immediately. >> edward asked him who are you, what's going on here? the guy told him to shut up and pushed him back on the bus. >> one of the masked men got behind the wheel as the other held a sawed off shot gun on his tear fied hostages. a third man followed in the white van. 26 children between the ages of 5 and 14 and their driver sater fied as their school bus was commandeered. >> at what point did you get really afraid? >> after they had driven us down the road a little bit they pulled the bus down into an empty slew bed. >> they located the actual marsh which is also called a slew that
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the bus was driven into about a mile from where it has been ceased. >> it was not a smooth drive down in. it had brush. >> everybody is crying they are telling us to shut up or we are going to get hurt. shut up. we are waiting what's going to happen now. they back up one van and fill that with half of the students and bring another van to fill up the other van. >> i did not want to get into the back of that van. that i knew. >> their bus hidden from view ed ray and the 26 children were hustled into two hot and windowless vans and driven from the scene. the mask -- mass kidnapping that would shock the world ap put chowchilla on the map had just begun. >> when jeff and jennifer brown's mother came home at 4:30 that afternoon their house was empty her two children were nowhere to be found.
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>> their chairs were not in front of the tv, the peanut butter wasn't out. i called the school after an hour or so and they weren't home. nobody knew where the bus was. it sort of dispiered. >> we received a notification that the school bus dispiered. >> ed bates was the sheriff and one of the lead investigators on the case. >> had already sent our one patrol car over to the school to find out what tin the world happened. >> as word of the bus' disappearance spread through the community the citizens went into a panic. this was in an era before cell phones text messages and gps. everyone who heard the news was puzzled, how could a school bus with 26 kids on it just vanish? >> we alerted all of the law enforcement agencies but to tell a law enforcement agent to look for a yellow bus when they were headed in all directions. >> they finally found the bus
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from the air. somebody took an airplane and saw it was hidden in the bushes in the slew and no children no footprints, nothing. no blood, no sign of anything bad. something had happened to the kids. they knew it was gone. >> they got a phone call to come to the courthouse which they did all of the parents were called. the fbi was there. we had this big meeting they talked to us. they didn't know anything. >> this is quite unusual in the fact that there was no known or apparent motive. >> as the news spread around the country and then around the world chowchilla soon found itself in the center of a media frenzy. >> we were immediately called by every state every government in the world asking what had happened and they were talking about zodiac killers and people from outer space. and cheddar bay biscuits then choose one of 7 entrees plus dessert! four courses, $14.99.
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as tlice f >> as the police fbi and locals searched for the missing school kids and their driver the terrified hostages were dprrive for hours in two sweltering windowless vans along with oppressive heat they had no food, no water, no lights and no bathrooms. >> we are all tear fied. >> it's hot, hot. i mean couldn't breathe in there and kids had to go to the bathroom. they were car sick, they had to urinate on you. the smell was horrible. >> in one of the two vans the bus driver rae mainremained a fatherly figure through out the ordeal. >> i felt lucky to be with edward in the van. >> poor edward is responsible for all of these children doesn't know what's going on in their van and tries to keep us comfortable. >> for 11 gruelling hours they had been driven around in the hot cramped seatless van in an effort to disother werient them.
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the van finally pulled to a stop at 3:00 a.m. on friday morning. >> we didn't know where we were. we had no idea. >> where they were were the rock quarry in livermore, california. it was only about two hours north of chowchilla. >> they took edward out first. we didn't know what waus going o happen. they took one out at a time. >> asked our name potook a piec of clothing we were told to climb down the ladder in the ground. >> this is the actual list of names and ages one made as they pulled the kids from the van. ed ray and the children were forced to climb down a ladder into a hole in the ground. >> i did not want to go into that hole. >> you are looking at what was waiting for them at the bottom of a ladder. a dark dusty stifling hot moving van that had been buried in the quarry. 14 mattresses lay in stacks around the trailer. a crudely designed ventilation
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system connected to two huge batteries brought in air from above ground. >> it was a hell hole. >> what did it smell like? >> after being driven around in vans with no rest rooms to walk down the ladder into a buried semi trailer that had crude toilets cut out in the wheel well was a blessing. also that was the first time we had got food and first time we had any water and the first time i had seen my brother because we had been separated in two separate vans. to that point i didn't know what happened to him or the other children. >> there was wuter crackers and cereal may have been bread. >> this was a diagram from the alameda county sheriff's office that illustrates the layout of the trailer. the only source of light was the flashlight the kidnapers gave to ed ray. he used the light but ed ray told us we needed to try to get some sleep. so the flashlight was turned
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off. we all laid down and i know i slept. >> what kind of monsters who kidnap 26 school children and their bus driver and bury them alive and why did they do it? >> 24-year-old fred wood and brothers 24-year-old shames show enfeld and richard shown 23e8d were af one thing ieasy money. the kidnapers were from affluent families but their failed dreams of making movies and investing in real estate led them to come up with an incredibly bizarre kidnapping plan to net them 5 million in cash. this is the actual budget they put together. >> they did a lot of preparation. it so happened frederick woods his father owned a rock quarry. it wasn't unusual for them to go there use the equipment to dig into the gravel and get an old van and bury it and do all of the work that was necessary to
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have it there. >> but why chowchilla? >> they picked it because they won't wanted an area where it was remote and little likelihood them getting apprehended by a round of patrol cars. >> 24-hours into their ordeal with the kids edie sided remaining passive was no longer an option. >> there was a beam that was holding the ceiling up and one of the boys started getting hyper and started kicking it and kept kicking it. kicking it. kicking it. and it ended up sliding and the roof started collapsing. that's the point that we knew we were going to have to do something. >> the older kids and ed ray came up with this plan we are going to die we are going to die trying. we are saying edward we have to get out. we are going to die. >> what did the kids and driver do to try to escape? >> they piled mattresses up to get high enough to the opening they left us. they tried to remove whatever
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was blocking the hole they had put us in. later we found out they had put a steel plate on top of the hole and put semi batteries on top of that. then they had built a wooden box and covered it with sand to camouflage it. >> with the food gone and convinced they had been left for dead ed ray and some of the older boys worked for four-hours to free themselves from their makeshift tomb. despite the steel plate half an inch thick and two industrial batteries on top of it weighing more than 100 pounds each nothing was going to stop them from freeing themselves from what surely was to become a mass grave. >> the first thing that had to be done was the sheet metal had to be pushed off to the side. they kept letting the dirt fall move it more more dirt falls. >> the dirt would pile up i would strap it out from under their feet so they weren't tripping on the piles. >> i would hoed the flashlight,
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she would hold the flashlight. they would stand on my shoulder for a while and then on edward's shoulder for a while. >> as they moved the steel plate aside and batteries aside. >> which disconnected our ventilation system and we were starting to lose oxygen starting to get weaker and weaker. please let us make it out. >> as they finally kicked their way free and got the box lose and sand came in then there was just an outpouring of light from heaven above. >> it was like christmas morning. >> the older boys and ed managed to get all of the kids out of the sweltering trailer. dehydrated disoriented hungry and scared. they wandered through the darkened quarry. >> we were walking out in the open. i remember thinking they could be anywhere. we need to hide. we were all walking around almost like wow. everybody is going quiet. be quiet. >> they stumbled upon a quarry employee who quickly called the
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police. word of their sudden reappearance sfred like wildfire. >> the children have been found. they are in good shape. questions? anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yeah. one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. approved! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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>> ed ray and the school children were returned home to chowchilla in the early morning hours of saturday july 17th, 1976. >> when they got us off the bus i never seen so many people in my entire life. (applause) >> man, a couple boys decided we better start digging we were going to lose our lives there same as getting if we dug ourselves out. we all got home safe. that's my story, i guess. >> thank you.
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>> thank you. (applause) >> the public was outraged when they heard the story of what had happened to ray and children during the 30 hours they were missing. one question lingered if it was a kidnapping why wasn't a random demand made? when the media police and fbi xarmed chowchilla the storm system couldn't handle the increased volume of calls. >> the kids said we tried to make a call to make a demand but couldn't get through. unable to make the demand they had gotten the surprise of their lives when they turned on the tv news on friday night. >> they didn't expect the kids and the bus driver to escape. >> with the plan going awry it wasn't wrong before the moving van he buried on his property led authorities to fred woods. >> it was found fred woods had been arrested on a previous occasion. that led to his accomplices.
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>> a wanted bulletin was soon issued for all three. a massive manhunt was launched. rick shoenfeld was first. all three were in custody within two weeks with their bails set at $1 million each. july, 1977 although the three pled guilty to 27 counts of kidnapping for ransom the judge ordered them to stand trial to decide if they had inflicted bodily injury on their victims. waving their right to a jury the kidnapers elected to be tried by the judge for woods and the schoenfelds the stakes were huge. if they had inflicted bodily injury had meant life without parole. if they decided they did not parole was a possibility. that fall after a 7 week trial judge deacon ruled they had inflicted bodily harm and sentenced them to life without
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parole. but an appeals court reversed the decision in 1980 making all three eligible for parole. >> i didn't like that. mental harm is just as bad sometimes even worse than physical harm. little children 5, 6, 7, 8 years old we know some of these kids are messed up emotionally. >> i was in the youth authority for five years for violent behavior. i have used methamphetamines, crack, cocaine, pcp. >> you still have nightmares? >> i haven't had nightmares for years but i do sleep with a night light. that's not normal for somebody in their mid 40s. >> there was still tragedy for jennifer and joe brown. five years after the kidnapping joe brown was killed in an industrial accident. >> i was upset fat god for takig him from me. i could not comprehend how he could have gotten us out of this hell hole and turn around a few
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years later and taken him from me. >> they contacted all three kidnapers and received letters back from two of them. james schoenfeld and fred woods. james stated i am and always will be sorry for my actions. >> all three of them should be very, very sorry. they can thank god every day they didn't murder us that we didn't smoother to death. >> he wrote this letter 14 days after his 13 year anniversary of being free of meth. >> i have found forgiveness. my soul bruised battered and crushed by my hatred of the kidnapers, and i just collapsed at the base of the cross one day and asked god to take that hatred from me. and i am ready to let them know
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that i for give them and to ask their forgiveness for the years that i spent hating them. >> you can do that? >> i can do that. >> he is the devil himself right there. >> i don't have the words to say i am sorry i am to everyone who continued to be effected by my crime. there's nothing i wouldn't do to take back that day. but i guess time can only be turned back in the movies or on tv. >> thank you for your words. does it change anything? oo no. >> lawyer represents fred woods. >> basically the over arching standard is would his parole release create an unreasonable risk of danger to society? it is clear beyond any reasonable dispute that fred woods is no danger to anybody.
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it has been 36 years. >> richard's lawyer. >> the reason we have a parole system is because we believe in rehabilitation as a society. we belief people can change. >> they have had surprising allies in their fight for release. one is a retired judge who took part in the decision that made him eligible for parole. another is a man who successfully prosecuted the three. he declined to be interviewed by fox files he provided files urging the release of richard schoenfeld. >> it is hard for me to comprehend how after all of these years public servantses could turn and betray the victims that they were supposed to be protecting. >> although richard schoenfeld was released from prison in june 2012.
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fred woods and james schoenfeld remain behind bars. >> you would not believe how hard my heart is pounding right now that we are discussing with parole. i believe they need to serve their term. it has affected us each one of us individually in different ways but we are haunted by that. it's never going to go away. >> the real heros in this case are the bus driver and the older boys and the tichildren and the manner in which he kept them under control and how they managed to get out and say here we are. >> bus driver ed ray died at age 91 in may of 2012 as a tribute the bus from that infamous day was brought to ray's funeral. >> ed didn't like to think of himself as a hero. you know very pure definition of a hero would say edward ray. a oo i love him.
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i am glad that he made us still in there. >> he was comfort when we needed comfort. he was strength when we needed strength. i believe ed ray gave us what we needed. >> coming up see an olympic archer hit a bulls i eye. find out who is driving. [ male announcer ] this is rudy.
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>> police are evacuating homes in a milwaukee suburban neighborhood. a scene of a mass shooting earlier. a bomb squad called in no word on whose house they are focusing in on now.
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they killed 6 people wounding 3 including a responding police officer and then was shot dead by a second officer. hours from now they are set to land on mars. it is set for 1:30 a.m. eastern. it is three programs and will be out of manasa's engineer contro. they are calling it for them 7 minutes of fer or. if the rover lands safely and begins the work they will see the basic ingredients for human life. >> mystery, i love it. ic harris falkner. back to fox live. >> exotic cards lavish apartments and sleek shopping complexes. fox files cameras captured these images inside the islamic republic of iran. >> ayatollah khomeini to
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redistribute the wealth make pie et tee prayer than purchasing power. a small group of super rich iranians are living large. >> fox files sat down with chairman of the london base iranian business association. >> it cost a million dollars and you have to pay 100 percent. somebody driving in iran has to pay $2 million. iran is a country of traders and business people for the last 3,000 years. >> first century the ril csilk they had the policy and beautiful wife didn't hesitate to show off their wealth. in 19d 79 the iranian revolution
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drove the monarchy out of the country promising a more equitable society. a new class of iranians moved in benefitting from a sort of krohnism. despite the sanctions in 2010 iran sold 73 billion worth of oil with much of the prophets going to the elite. >> people who are connected on accumulating wealth unrialed is up for public existence. >> the doctor is an iranian economist based in london. >> we are seeing houses and villas 5-25 million dollars people who have 6 or 7 super luxury cars porsches, lamborghinis. >> porsche opened a dealership in tehran and in 2011 sold more cars than any other middle eastern country.
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>> those who have no problem driving cars in iran. >> who are these elite iranians buying multi-million dollar apartments and driving around fancy cars with tough sanctions in sight how do they manage to accumulate such fantastic wealth sfwh oo? >> what started as a religious movement it evolved into a mafia like organization and business and all ements of iranian society. >> he is former ambassador to the united nations and he is ceo united against nuclear iran. >> what you have seen since the revolution is the mullahs and religious belief infiltrating that economy. >> there's a select group of clerics who have become wealthy rich through corruption. islamic republic and cormier president is thought to be one
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of the richest men in iran. >> clergies are part of the system and they have (inaudible). many of the super rich has been linked to the un usual complex network of charitable foundation. fox news reported on the ongoing case of iran's new york based charity the ilabi foundation. >> one of the quickest ways to make huge amounts of money is to become an important person. >> these so-called charity foundations got assets from the royal family existing businesses and ordinary iranians in many cases powerful clerics use them as their own personal slush fund. >> they have goods selling them without impact. >> 300 families they are hugely
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wealthy. >> there are a lot of people with multi. >> islamic revolutionary guard core the irgc so-called protectors of the regime. >> the iranian elite have many years purchased and bought the finest of western goods. unfortunate loifr the years because of petro dollars the elites have had the ability to purchase these goods. >> life is becoming harder for iranian businesses. though president ahmadinejad denies it much of the world's economy accuses them of pursuing weapons. the u.s. european unions imposed trade and banking systems. pressure by uani and others caused problems in the showrooms. f fiat is under pressure to stop doing business with the islamic republic. in may it announced it was
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suspending sales there. >> has it become more difficult for them to get their hands on cars or anything else they buy? >> it is more difficult. but if you want it they would find a way of getting the porsche. >> most often through the united arab emirates across the gulf of iran. >> the emirates because of trading routes has been a key trading partner both legally and illegally for many. they are -- there is still ill lisity trade in iran. >> when the chance lori tired jet was sold it ended up in the hands of the iranians buoy cranian middle men. >> it is probably the best time to make money in iran. corruption has become endemic. >> all of this has many average iranians go by on meager pay.
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>> there have been reports that iran is suffering. the cost of milk and bread and chicken skyrocketed. >> the resentment must be growing or do they not come in contact with average or lower income iranians? oo i think you are seeing a great people, an industrious hard-working people fed up with the corruption of the dictatorship. do you see it ? there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getti away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it. any day can be an adventure. that's whye got a subaru.
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fox files is at this year's national archery competition in >> fox files covered the archery competition with more than 8,000 kids from all over the united states come to prove they have what it takes to be hamp ons. >> you never know who is going to win. a 6th grader could win this entire thing and walk away with 10,000 dollar scholarship or it could be a 12th grader. you never know. >> roy is president of the archery school program. >> our first tournament was 40 kids back in 2002 and now this tournament today will have over 7800 students to shoot by the time the competition is over. >> from cave men to students it was once a rival. today cat nis ever dean the lead
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character of "the hunger games" is breathing new life in the world's oldest support. >> katnis that's awesome. >> i think it's a unique very beautiful sport and why not. >> you like it? >> yeah. >> we sat down with the u.s. olympic champion archer. she trained actress jennifer lawrence to shoot like a pro. >> first thing i asked her, have you ever shot arrow before. she said, no. absolutely never seen a bow and arrow in real life. >> what do you start with? >> stance, alignment, drill. stand properly when you are holding the ball. it was very, very exciting to see my student on the screen.
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i think she nailed it really well. >> it has been a long challenging journey for her to become a champion. growing up in a war torn country she dreamed of some day winning olympic gold. today she has had more success than she could ever have imaged in this country she now calls home america. >> i appreciate and respect this country so much because i have been through so much in my life. >> born in the former soviet republic of georgia she competed in the olympic games four times representing three different countries. in 92 as ussr disintegrated she competed for the unified team and won the bronze. the olympics in atlanta georgia p and sydney, australia, followed. there she represented the newly independent republic of georgia for the u.s. and beijing in 2008. at the london olympics she competed for the 5th time. although she failed to medal she did come in 4th place in the
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individual event. she is the second ranked archer in in the u.s. she makes hitting a target 230 feet away look easy even though there's more than half a football field away. >> what does it take? >> it takes a lot of practice. you need to be strong mental laned physical strength. started practicing from 8:00 in the morning to 6:00 pm. we shoot like 400 arrows, 500 arrows. >> take me through a typical training session for you when you were learning it? >> i was the soviet union so we have about 3 or 4 hours after school practice. then i was going to the training camps it was 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. to practice shooting 4 or 500 shots a day. >> after the soviet union collapsed it brought challenges that almost ended her career. >> we had no electricity so i had to practice in my basement.
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it wasn't going well at all. it was not archery any more. >> 92 it was what i figured out and it make me unhappy. but i can do anything. it was a whole lot of politics. there was so much political issue nobody cared about the support. i was fortunate to qualified for olympics in 96 for my life changed that year. that's why i stayed in the u.s. and start new life new home, new country. >> she became a u.s. citizen in 2007 so she could represent the united states in the beijing olympics. >> how did it feel being named the u.s. flag bearer for the closing ceremonies back in 2008? >> that was unbelievable experience. i did not medal but i got choose
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maybe because i waited for so long to compete for the u.s. and i could probably never thank enough than to give me that glory at the closing ceremony. i was very, very lucky person. >> you plan to go more than just one more time. >> why quit? tell me? no reason to quit. if i can shoot gold and if i can compete out there and still be in the top, win competitions and keep hitting my goals that's what i am going to do. >> next when 8,000 kids compete in the national archery competition in kentucky who gets the bullseye? [ chirping ] ♪ [ male announcer ] audi a4 drivers have spoken. [ engine revs ]
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and they ranked the a4 highest in total quality index in its class. [ chirps ] experience the summer of audi event and get exceptional values on the audi you've always wanted.
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8 miles south of san diego, chula vista california is where kahtuna trains and also only one of three olympic training is centers in the >> will you give me a lesson? >> you ready for it? >> she turns me into an archery at dikt. >> 1, 2 there you go. pretty good. look at that. now turn your face again. i want you to aim the arrow down low and release. look, you shot gold. >> you are good. >> you are a good teacher. >> thank you. >> you get addicted, you know? >> we spoke with members of the road runner archery club nonprofit for turning girns into olympians. >> it takes a lot of practice.
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it takes a lot of time to know your body and know every little tiny movement it takes to hit the gold every single time. >> how long have you done archery? >> for about four years now. >> what has it done for you? >> it has changed my life really. archery and shooting every day, meeting so many people from all across the country at competitions and taught myself like to dedicate my time into something. >> 3,000 miles away archery changed the lives of students in this small elementary school in new jersey. the pe teacher thanks to a grant several years ago he brought an unusual to the school's principal. >> yi said want to shoot arrows in a public school. do i look like i dropped off a
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turnip truck? no way unless you can convince me it will work and it will help kids. >> they have higher standardized test scores they can concentrate better they can block out distraction, higher attendance rate for any programs lower discipline problems during the program. it sold itself. >> one of the best decisions i have made in 6 years. >> how many championships. everybody knows the kids from new jersey. >> we have had 6 straight state titles which is unique and phenomenal. >> little did i know then what would become a 14-year-old jenna ishinger. >> you are going to pull back the corner of your smile. >> whoa. >> very nice. >> jenna and two dozen of the fellow students went to the national tournament in kentucky where they competed against 2800 other archers. getting there took a 13 hour bus
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ride 13,000 raised by the parents and community. they got the gold for a score of 292 out of 300 jenna won the bronze. fame the number 3 female in the middle school division. she also tied for 4th overall female out of more than 3200 archers. katnis ever dean or kahtuna or one of the thousands of kids at louisville there's no denying there's nothing like hitting the bullseye. ♪
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>> my mother the legendary king of pop michael jackson passed away june 25th, 2009. >> i am geraldo rivera. this special report the kidnapping of catherine jackson begins with her son michael's death at age 50 leaving three young children and a mountain of debt. as his i say state is fueled by extraordinary record sales katherine is worth a king's ransom. he left her 40 percent his kids 40 percent 20 percent of the estate remaining going to children's charities. additionally michael has named katherine guardian of his three heirs. now michael's will and katherine's guardianship are under attack from relatives who have been cut out. but a family power struggle is one thing. kidnapping another. >> late saturday night katherine raising his kids reported missing. >> sunday july 22nd michael's
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daughter paris tweets, yes my grandmother is missing i haven't spoken with her in a week. i want her home now. >> at this point the kids france 15, paris 14, blanket 10 years old had not seen their grandma for 7 days. rejecting explanations from her uncle and aunt janet jackson paris pleads gishthly to t dire the public. >> if any one sees my grandmother call the police or this number. thank you so much. where is grandma? the teens tweet sets up a nationwide search. >> took down a report we have been attempting to contact her. >> a bizarre family drama plays out in full view at the heart his money and the fact that father joe and siblings including the four involved in this escapade randy, jermaine, ja a